
Life 101?

So, what is Messy Human? 

This is a space I’ve created to gather up little life nuggets in 101 words or less. A “Life 101” in-the-works, for the non-existant life manual. The posts tagged with “101” are actually — 101 words or less.

Perhaps there will be other times more words are needed.

’Til then I’m a messy human, this thing is in the works. It may change. It will likely change. Actually the first post isn't even the Welcome/Who we are — we just dove in. Because, otherwise: procrastination.

We’re living life here, this could get messy.


Here we grow

Red pepper & tomato seeds in egg cartons
I’ve tried gardening before, but the ground here is hard, with un-level patches, so this year, I’m trying raised beds. Have no idea what I’m doing. But I, Google, and my local nurseries will figure it out. If it doesn’t work — try again in 2018. Here’s what’s happened so far in our roller coaster weather of “spring:”
  • Landscape fabric is down.
  • Beds are built: (2) 4’ x 6’ and (1) 4’ x 3’ beds, 12” high.
  • Mulch has been spread around the boxes.
  • Now to figure out how to get 60 cu. ft. of topsoil and compost (60/40) into the boxes!

There is no fail, only learn.
And, today... commence the seeds.


My first raised garden beds, made from scratch. 
Hopefully they are set-up for best sun exposure, TBD.